233, here we go again, feeding the addiction

Bai Rubing murmured weakly, "But Manager, didn't you say…"

Zhao Jingnan cut her off, "Give me the report this afternoon." He then snapped at Song Qinghuan, "What are you standing around for? Aren't you supposed to be working?"

With an unsettled heart, Song Qinghuan took the documents to the top floor.

The top floor was serene. All of Shi Yuhuan's assistants seemed to have gone home, and the security officer directed her straight to the CEO's office.

She gently bit her lower lip, hesitated for a moment outside the office, and then mustered up the courage to knock on the door.

"Come in!" Inside, Shi Yuhuan's deep, icy voice called out promptly.

Clutching the file, Song Qinghuan entered with a light smile, "Hello, Mr. Shi, this is the award list for the annual meeting. Manager Zhao requested I bring it up for your signature."