240, regardless of the future, you are mine now...

The fiery contact startled Song Qinghuan.

"Please don't do this to me! Shi Yuhuan, stop it, you told me not to fantasize about you, you can't treat me like this." Song Qinghuan cried out in fear, struggling desperately to free herself from Shi Yuhuan's grip.

But her strength was far too little.

No matter how much she struggled, she couldn't move Shi Yuhuan an inch.

Shi Yuhuan grabbed her chin in domination, declaring, "No matter what happens in the future, you're my wife now!"

He forcefully kissed her lips, his hand hiking up her hips, pressing against his own rampant desire.

A sharp pain tore through her, startling Song Qinghuan. Her parched body was coldly penetrated under his weight. The pain was unbearable.

She wanted to scream, but her lips were closed off by him, not allowing her a chance to cry out.