243、Come back home tonight.

As soon as Song Qinghuan arrived at the company, she felt countless eyes from all directions, shooting at her like sharp arrows.

Wherever she went, it felt like walking on thin ice.

She made an effort to stand in the most out-of-the-way corner.

While waiting for the elevator with her head down, the people around her respectfully greeted, "Good morning, President Shi."

Song Qinghuan subconsciously looked up and naturally saw Shi Yuhuan, clad in a well-fitted suit, his gaze unwavering as he headed towards her direction.

Her heart subconsciously trembled, and her body stiffened.

However, Shi Yuhuan didn't even sweep a glance at her as he strutted by, leaving countless people looking up at him in admiration.

Song Qinghuan sighed a breath of relief and simultaneously despised herself.

Earlier when he was approaching, she wondered what she should do if he suddenly stopped to say or do something to her.