248, Eat your meat, drink your blood

Slowly, Shi Yuhuan turned his handsome face back, his black eyes narrowing slightly, carrying an aura of bloodthirsty cruelty, as if he could freeze a person's blood in an instant.

Just one glance was all it took to terrify Song Qinghuan. She bit her lip, staring at him fixedly, her eyes reddening in humiliation and fear, innocent yet adorably helpless.

Suddenly, Shi Yuhuan raised his hand...

Song Qinghuan thought he was going to slap her back, and she closed her eyes instinctively.

But instead, he grabbed her chin, and his fiery breath closed in as his lips pressed against hers, kissing her intensely, with a fierce sense of invasion, fervently gnawing.

Song Qinghuan opened her eyes wide in panic, she tried to turn her head to the side to avoid his lips, "Shi Yuhuan, let go... wuuu..."

She struggled, trying to push away his aggressive hold, furiously hitting his chest.