246. Madness, Money and Family

His words nauseated Song Qinghuan so much that she almost retched up her dinner from the previous night.

But she didn't show it. Without uttering a word, she continued to mechanically spoon rice into her mouth, completely devoid of any appetite.

Lu Meiyan spoke up again: "Qinghuan, the economy isn't doing so well right now. Business at our small shop has been declining. This month we're not even making over ten thousand. That's just barely enough to cover the cost of our family's living expenses and property management fees!"

Song Qinghuan still kept quiet: "..."

Lu Meiyan continued: "Everything costs money these days. Xiaotao's school is always charging fees for this and that. Your father and I were thinking of moving him to a better school, but getting the necessary permissions is very difficult."