250, Because, we are married

Shi Yuhuan used his phone to call Chen Tian, ordering him to deliver takeout. Just after he hung up, Song Qinghuan's phone suddenly rang.

He had no intention of answering it. He was sitting next to the bedside table, and all he had to do was look down to see Song Qinghuan's phone, the caller ID displayed "Mom".

Song Qinghuan's mom? He was familiar with this figure.

In the investigation materials about Song Qinghuan, it was indicated that she lived with her mom after her parents divorced.

Her mom had never been particularly good to her, nor particularly bad. However, after remarrying and having a younger brother, she stopped caring about Song Qinghuan.

After her younger brother, Song Xiaotao was born, Song Qinghuan was practically raised in absentia.

The information showed that there were three children in the Song family. The best things always went to her two brothers first before it was her turn, the elder sister.