252, What does giving money mean?

What did he mean by that? Bite her to death?

Just as she was pondering, Shi Yuhuan suddenly moved away, giving her forehead a soft kiss. Without a word, he turned around, strode off, and left the room.

Song Qinghuan stared at him in astonishment until the door shut before stomping her foot in frustration.

As if he was the one who wanted to bite her to death, she wished she could bite him to death, that stinky man, what a jerk.

She stared hard at the closed door for a moment before sitting down on the bed. She crawled under the covers and pretended to sleep, stubbornly refusing to follow his orders.

But after a while, her stomach started to grumble with hunger.

She endured it for a bit more before hunger compelled her to get up, change her clothes, and head downstairs.

Shi Yuhuan was still sitting at the dining table, reading a financial magazine. He glanced at her as she came down the stairs and casually said, "The food's cold. If you want to eat, warm it up first."