255, Flames of war, flying all around

Song Qinghuan glared at him in protest, and when he showed no reaction, she threw her resignation letter on his desk.

She turned around, ready to leave.

Before she could take a step, Shi Yuhuan's voice rang out, "Stop!"

Song Qinghuan reflexively turned back to look at him, seeing Shi Yuhuan's gaze casually glancing at the resignation letter on his desk, "You think too highly of yourself, you are just a clerk in the HR department, both hiring and resignations don't require your presence."

He looked at her, his demeanor once again icy cold, his face stern and austere, as if the woman in front of him was a mere stranger.

The surrounding air seemed to freeze along with him.

"You think I wanted to come here," Song Qinghuan huffed, "Director Zhao told me to find you!"

Shi Yuhuan's thin lips curling into a cryptic smile, he pick up the resignation letter, a sound of "rip" echoed, and the letter was torn in half.