259, travel together, a flight

The next day, Song Qinghuan went to the office, talked with Yu Yang for a bit, and was about to start working when she was summoned to Zhao Jingnan's office.

He asked, "Song Qinghuan, didn't the president ask you to report to the penthouse? Why are you still here?"

Song Qinghuan mumbled, a pout on her face, "I'm not going, I'll stay in Human Resources. Didn't you just say yesterday that you've just started to consider me as a part of your team? Now I am not resigning, and you're sending me to the penthouse, aren't you contradicting yourself?"

"You..." Zhao Jingnan was choked by her words, fuming with anger, "Go away, go away, catch up on the work you've missed these past few days."

So, he was no longer insisting on sending her to the penthouse. Song Qinghuan smiled and said, "Yes, manager!" before happily leaving.

Last night, Shi Yuhuan had clearly set a trap for her, leaving her with no way out.

If she can't resign, she would, of course, stay at her original position.