Either go home, or sleep on the street.

Shi Yuhuan? Song Qinghuan was taken aback, her hand clutching her phone tightened, then she scoffed, "I am home, where else should I go back to!"

Shi Yuhuan coldly responded, "Don't make me say it a second time, either go home or sleep on the streets!"

Even though they were on the phone, Song Qinghuan could clearly sense the sternness and the hint of brooking no refusal in Shi Yuhuan's tone.


Before she could utter the word "no", the sound of "beep beep" came from the phone, it was too late to say anything, Shi Yuhuan had already hung up the call.

"Ah!!" Song Qinghuan was furious.

This egomaniac, cold, arrogant, and domineering man, who does he think she is, his slave?

Hmph, she wouldn't pay him any mind, she refused to go back, let's see what he can do about it?

Despite her stubbornness, she couldn't fall asleep anymore, her eyes clear and bright, void of any hint of sleepiness.

Shortly after, she received a call from Mei Jun, "Huanhuan, are you not at my place?"