264, Who spoiled your bad temper?

Shi Yuhuan wasn't upset, he lightly asked again, "Shall we take a shower together?"

Song Qinghuan was speechless, glaring at him intensely.

Shi Yuhuan had a smirk on his face as he closed the door and finally went into the bathroom.

Despite refusing to help Shi Yuhuan hang his clothes, Song Qinghuan still hung up her own along with his.

Not long after, Shi Yuhuan came out and instructed Song Qinghuan to take a bath.

Song Qinghuan didn't react, clearly not intending to heed his words. She was tired and just wanted to lie down on the sofa and rest. She didn't plan on taking a bath.

Shi Yuhuan's gaze darkened slightly. He tossed the towel in his hand onto Song Qinghuan. "If you're not eager to bathe, dry me off," he said.

Song Qinghuan glared at him, and retorted angrily, "I'm not your maid, I'm not going to help you dry off. Don't you have hands of your own?"

When Shi Yuhuan sat down on the sofa, she immediately stood up, grabbed her pajamas, and headed into the bathroom.