274, Injured, Hero saves the beauty

Song Qinghuan was scared witless, her face paling instantaneously. She wanted to run away, but her feet seemed glued to the spot.

Just in the nick of time, someone abruptly gripped her waist and pulled. She was brought into a familiar embrace and then, a thump, they both landed on the ground.

"Ahhh!!" People screamed as the chandelier crashed onto the floor with a crash, shattering into pieces.

"Mr. Shi, Mr. Shi! Are you okay?!" The crowd rushed towards Shi Yuhuan, who was still clutching onto Song Qinghuan on the ground.

"Oh! My God, there's blood! There's blood on you, Mr. Shi." Someone else screamed out.

"Erhuan, Erhuan! Are you injured?" Yu Yang shouted, pointing at the blood on Song Qinghuan's dress.

The echo of the chandelier crash was deafening, leaving her ears ringing and her mind dazed for a while.

After hearing Yu Yang's voice, she touched the blood stains on her dress, only to realise that she was not injured.