271, Quiet, with a hint of tenderness

Ever since Song Qinghuan concluded that Tao Wenliang might be the individual in the photograph, she had taken over all the work related to the running of the CEO's office.

Occasionally, she would exchange a few words with Tao Wenliang, or subtly probe him.

Apart from the first time when she mentioned "the figure from behind," and Tao Wenliang stiffened slightly, he had not shown any irregularities in his interactions with her subsequently.

Three days had passed, and Song Qinghuan had nothing to show for her efforts. She was deeply frustrated!

Similarly, she was starting to become a bit anxious. She felt the need for a big move. But how to make this move, she had no idea.

She pondered for a long time but still couldn't come up with any clue.

Back at the hotel in the evening, lost in her thoughts, she stared blankly out the window while drying her hair.