After a long time, one naturally becomes accustomed.

When Song Qinghuan returned to the villa, the moment she opened the door, she heard a familiar and cold voice.

While she was taken aback, a wave of joy managed to sneak into her heart. She briskly walked in and found Shi Yuhuan sitting at the dining table.

Zishi was kneeling next to the dining table, head raised, staring fixedly at Shi Yuhuan. Seeing Song Qinghuan arriving, it immediately stood up and ran towards her.

It affectionately rubbed its head against Song Qinghuan's legs. During the period Shi Yuhuan was not home, Aunt He was the one who fed Zishi. Now, this duty was taken on by Song Qinghuan.

Through this duration, the relationship between it and Song Qinghuan had improved tremendously.

She gently stroked Zishi's head, then sat down at the dining table. She looked at Shi Yuhuan and wanted to say, "You're back!"

However, Shi Yuhuan was in the middle of a conversation. His fingers leisurely drummed against the table, giving off an intimidating aura that inspired fear.