297, She just wants equality

Shi Yuhuan turned to look at them, "Can I help you with something?"

"Ah!" The pair was taken aback slightly,

Confronting this man, they didn't know why, but deep inside, they felt an intense, overwhelming fear.

As if this man was a lofty god from heaven, and they were the lowest, muddiest scum on earth.

"There's a café across the road, let's talk there!" He said, grabbing Song Qinghuan's hand and heading towards the café he pointed out.

Lu Meiyan and Song Qiliang paused briefly, exchanged a thiefish glance, and quickly followed. But all the while wondering, who was this man? What was his relationship with Song Qinghuan?

Song Qinghuan had come to know Shi Yuhuan's coldness quite well. Having her hand yanked and dragged along by him, she couldn't resist attempting to pull her hand back: "Shi Yuhuan, what are you trying to do? Let go of me first!"

Shi Yuhuan ignored her and continued to pull her along.