303, I need you, to be responsible

"I can't wait any longer." Shi Yuhuan's fingers gently stroked her chin, a wicked smile creeping onto his lips.

With those words, he kissed Song Qinghuan's lips again.

He fervently kissed her as he swiftly removed their barriers. His burning intensity was overbearing, pressing against her without any hesitation, penetrating her with the same force as one besieges a castle.

Sparks were flying everywhere. Eventually, Song Qinghuan was so exhausted she could barely breathe, even falling into a deep sleep.

But she was still able to feel Shi Yuhuan's actions, which were like a starved wolf that had not eaten for a thousand years. He nearly swallowed her whole.

Even though she was tired, Song Qinghuan woke up early the next day. She had an appointment and was anxious about it.

When she woke up, Shi Yuhuan was already awake.

When she tried to get up, Shi Yuhuan subconsciously tightened his grip around her waist, not letting her leave.