305, Search, Find a person thousands of miles away

As dawn was just breaking the next day, Song Qinghuan got up, and early in the morning, she went with Li Wei looking for someone.

According to the information they had, their former colleague from the finance department, Li Xiaoyi, after leaving the Times Group, had returned to his hometown and opened a moderately sized computer store in the county town.

The two of them arrived at the entrance of the computer store following the address provided. Immediately, a salesperson approached them and warmly asked Song Qinghuan and Li Wei: "Welcome, what can I help you find?"

Li Wei laughed and said, "We are looking for your boss, Li Xiaoyi. Is he around?"

"Who are you?" asked another salesperson who had come over, "What business do you have with our boss?"

Li Wei continued to smile, "We used to be his colleagues. We have some matters to discuss with him now. Can you tell us if he is in the store?"