310, Deliberate, Framing

Sitting in the interrogation room, Song Qinghuan began to ponder - how did things end up this way?

This certainly wasn't a coincidence, definitely a well-orchestrated conspiracy.

They knew, she was always following Zhang Xiaoyi, they knew she wanted to uncover the truth about Yan Pingdan through him, which lead to their plot, setting up a trap. When she and Li Wei arrived, they had already killed Zhang Xiaoyi beforehand.

It wasn't hard to guess who the masterminds behind this conspiracy could be.

The person responsible for her brother's disappearance was most likely him, the one confounding this murder case, aiming for her next.

But how did he calculate his timing so perfectly? As if he's beside her the whole time.

Could it be... Li Wei?

No! Song Qinghuan shook her head.

She didn't want to believe, this sudden thought, after all, Li Wei's anxious worry shown during this period couldn't be fake.

But Qinghuan couldn't completely dismiss her nagging doubts at the moment.