323, Notice, Death

Seeing the man she loved so dearly, caring so meticulously for Song Qinghuan, doting on Song Qinghuan, and cherishing Song Qinghuan, it felt like her heart was being clawed out, and there was no way to alleviate this pain.

Why was it Song Qinghuan? She was better than Song Qinghuan in every way. Why couldn't it be her?

Her sharp nails dug into her palm, as Bai Rubing bit her lip tightly. Her eyes, already soaked with tears, emitted a cold, sharp gleam.

No, she wouldn't give up, she couldn't give up. She loved this man so much.


Once Song Qinghuan finished her drips, Shi Yuhuan carried her home.

She slept soundly the entire way and didn't wake up until the next day. After moving around a bit, she felt almost completely recovered.