327, Honesty is a virtue

Eh! Song Qinghuan grimaced, "So, you mean to say the reason you want me to keep being your wife is because you think getting married is a lot of trouble... I didn't..."

Shi Yuhuan narrowed his cold eyes, interrupting her, the threat clear in his gaze, "What, you don't want to?"

"Who would agree to such a ridiculous reason!" Terrified of his licentious gaze, Song Qinghuan dared to only mutter quietly.

"Hm!!" Shi Yuhuan narrowed his eyes threateningly.

Then, with a wicked smirk and a teasing look in his eyes, he whispered in her ear, "If you don't want to, then why were you so scared just now?"

Song Qinghuan blinked in surprise, looking at Shi Yuhuan.

A moment later, she suddenly understood, her face turning red in embarrassment and shock, "Scared? Of what? What are you talking about? I don't understand."

In truth, Shi Yuhuan's earlier frankness was indeed frightening for her.

She thought if everything became clear, their marriage contract would probably be terminated.