330, everything that comes with a beginner, is given to you".

Song Qinghuan watched the scene intently, her mind a whirl of complex thoughts, continuously speculating about the relationship between Shi Yuhuan and this woman.

The more she listened, the more confused she became, unable to grasp the situation.

Upon hearing Shi Yuhuan call the woman "aunt," the tension in Song Qinghuan's heart suddenly relaxed a bit.

At the same time, she was deeply shocked.

The way she saw it, the woman who looked even younger than Shi Yuhuan, she had never expected, turned out to be Shi Yuhuan's aunt.

This was simply too unbelievable.

"Auntie? So, she's your auntie!" Song Qinghuan murmured to herself, inadvertently speaking aloud.

Shi Yuhuan cast a cool glance at her: "What else would she be? What were you expecting?"

"I wasn't expecting anything!" Song Qinghuan walked over to Shi Yuhuan, her long eyelashes quivering as she gently bit her red lips, a little nervously.