332, Dreams, Awake abruptly

Standing at the entrance of the rear villa, Song Qinghuan took a deep breath before ringing the bell.

Before long, the door opened and Shi Yuhuan was there, still wearing his homely clothes, seemingly working and holding a few pieces of printed papers in his hand.

Stepping to the side, he gently said, "Come in."

Song Qinghuan nodded and took a step in when Zishi ran towards her. After closing the door, Shi Yuhuan said, "You and Zishi can play in the living room for a while."

He seemed to be busy with something.

"Okay!" Song Qinghuan bent over and patted Zishi's head, then went to the shoe cabinet to find and change into slippers.

She remembered from her last visit that there was only one pair of slippers.

Just as she was about to close the shoe cabinet, she was surprised to find an extra pair of pink ladies' slippers inside.

They definitely weren't there the last time she visited.