335, tired, massage each other

After the meal, Shi Yuhuan went to the study, and Song Qinghuan started cleaning the house.

She cleaned the entire villa, including every piece of furniture, decoration, and window. She wiped everything that could be wiped and mopped all the floors.

She kept cleaning till past ten o'clock at night.

By the time she laid down on the bed, she was so exhausted she didn't even want to move.

Shi Yuhuan had finished his work and he walked over to the bed, sitting on its edge before flopping down onto Song Qinghuan's lap.

Song Qinghuan looked at him and grumbled, "My legs ache, and you're adding to the pressure!"

Shi Yuhuan sat up, then proceed to massage her legs with his hands.

Song Qinghuan was quite surprised, and being ticklish, she quickly moved away, "Thanks, thanks, but I'm ticklish!"

With a faint smile, Shi Yuhuan lay down next to her, raised a hand, and softly rubbed his eyebrows, "Take a rest."