343, Helplessness, that endless despair

Song Qinghuan was momentarily dazed, as a sliver of bewilderment flashed across her small face.

Immediately, her eyes widened with joy, "Really?"

Shi Yuhuan responded coldly, "Then stop asking."

"You can't do this, you just agreed." Song Qinghuan was anxious and clutched his sleeve tighter. Her shiny eyes were filled with a begging desire, and she whimpered weakly, "Yihan, you can't change your mind."

Her soft voice, once again, was like a strong current, racing down his spine.

Shi Yuhuan's face inadvertently softened, but his tone remained cold, "When you talk to me, you never need to question whether it is true or false."

Song Qinghuan nodded. She knew his word was his bond. There was no doubting his capacity to keep his words. Her previous inquiry had just been an instinctive reaction.

She thought quietly, logically, she should ask now.

Yet, she was surprised to find that she couldn't utter a word, inexplicably feeling she shouldn't even know what to ask.