355, Out of Control, Scolding

Zhan Cheng's eyes were filled with bloodshot veins, the rims raw from pain. He enunciated clearly despite gritting his teeth: "I wanted peace, Song Qinghuan. You are the one who tempted me with your messages. If you want to give me peace now, then let me die!"

Stung, Song Qinghuan roared back: "Then go ahead and die!"

The room seemed to freeze the moment Qinghuan's sentence was uttered. An eerie silence immediately blanketed the surroundings.

Next, a loud "thud!" was heard. Zhan Cheng had kicked his suitcase to the ground.

He spun around, filled with rage, and strode away.

After Song Qinghuan screamed, her face turned slightly pale, her mood sour.

She looked at Zhan Cheng's retreating figure and then at his toppled suitcase that she initially didn't intend on bothering with.

However, after walking a few steps, she went back to pick it up and dragged it away. As she walked, she called Mei Jun, asking her to return the suitcase to Cheng.