358, Emotion, Leakage

Shi Yuhuan casually picked up a file and then, "Bang!" He slammed it hard onto the office desk!

"…" The shock caused Zhan Jie to inhale sharply, her words left unfinished, as she dare not speak any further.

She held her breath, nervously watching Shi Yuhuan.

A chilling aura emanated from Shi Yuhuan, oppressive and filled with a dangerous murderous vibe!!

"…I am not your audience, only judging by your surface," his icy thin lips spat out sharp words.

Zhan Jie offered her mobile phone to Shi Yuhuan: "I'm not lying, look…"

Shi Yuhuan of course didn't take it, so she put the phone on the office desk, right under Shi Yuhuan's eyes, with the hope that he would glance at it, believe her, and not trust Song Qinghuan.

"Do you understand what will happen if you keep arguing with me?" Shi Yuhuan's voice became darker and more mysterious, his cold sharp gaze seemed capable of piercing through people.

His simple utterances, however, echoed like thunder inside Zhan Jie's mind!