Evil intentions towards others may provoke vigilance in others.

A stately figure stood by the window, his back to the dazzling lights outside, silently staring at his office desk.

Above his computer screen, there were four squares, each displaying footage from surveillance.

After seeing Song Qinghuan return to the 60th floor, he turned towards the window, serene yet austere, his facial profile deep and cold.

Soon, Chen Tian knocked on the door and entered at his consent.

Shi Yuhuan turned around, sat in his ample leather chair and watched as Chen Tian opened the documents he was holding and placed a pile of photos on the desk.

"Boss, these are the surveillance video stills related to your wife that you requested," Chen Tian began, one by one spreading out the photographs under Shi Yuhuan's scrutinizing gaze.

He pointed at one of the photos, a picture of Song Qinghuan in the office, and said, "Your wife was in your office at this time."