367, now, refers to a man.

Chen Tian turned to look at Shi Yuhuan, "Boss, as expected, the person who reported Wancheng is connected to Yan Pingdan. Otherwise, they wouldn't be investigating the lady. It seems like a group did this, what are they trying to hide?"

Shi Yuhuan narrowed his eyes coldly, staring at Liu Yuandong, "There's another file, open it!"

Liu Yuandong replied anxiously, "Though we've copied this file, it's encrypted with three different codes. It will take some time to crack them."

Xia Yang cursed, annoyed, "Fuck, really? Even encrypted? This definitely hints at something fishy."

"Crack the encryption as fast as you can!" Shi Yuhuan's slow and low voice was without warmth but carried boundless authority.

Liu Yuandong immediately nodded, "Yes, Boss!"

Then, the long wait began once again.

This time, even though Shi Yuhuan's gaze was as icy as before and his demeanor indifferent, his slender fingers rhythmically tapped slow beats on his leg.