379, Rescue, Edge of Death

Song Qinghuan was woken up by the cold. Thick blood and tears clung together, wetting her eyelashes and cheeks, then froze in the cold air.

She tried to open her eyes, but had to rub her face with her hands first.

She realized her entire body was so cold that her bones felt rigid.

She struggled to breathe, lost in waves of bitterness, as if perched on top of the abyss of death.

She exhaled, and a thick cold air blew out.

Where was she? Why was it so cold?

After adjusting herself, she finally slowly opened her eyes, only to find herself lying in an ice cellar.

No wonder, no wonder it was so cold, no wonder the chill was so intense.

Song Qinghuan struggled to get up from the ground, her body shivering.

Humid cold air gathered around her, causing her to shudder. She wobbled to her feet, heading towards the door of the ice cellar.

However, the door was locked, no matter how hard she tried, it wouldn't budge.