383, Distance, is also a form of love

At Yan Pingdan's words, he abruptly halted, frozen mid-step.

After quite some time, he slowly turned to look at Shi Yuhuan, raspy words tumbling from his throat, "H-how do you know him?"

Shi Yuhuan coldly replied, "Your diary is in her possession, I happened to see it. You joined Times Group for him, who is he?"

Yan Pingdan stood still for a while, trembling, unable to utter a single word.

"He's not K, he has nothing to do with this incident, I asked him about it, he doesn't know what's going on." His voice finally surfaced, but it was considerably later.

"You're either lying, or he's deceiving you. He's the breakthrough in this case!" Shi Yuhuan spoke softly through his chilly lips, a hint of red flashing in his eyes.

He seemed deep in thought about a particularly tough decision. Closing his eyes and regaining his icy demeanor, he finally looked to Yan Pingdan and said, "You want me to leave your sister, fine, tell me the name of that man."