395, Dismissal, One Year Expiration

Upon hearing that, a misty sheen of tears filled Song Qinghuan's eyes, glittering brightly. Her heart ached, and her voice was hoarse. It seemed as if she wanted to say something but could not find the words.

Mei Jun held her, anxiously saying, "Qinghuan, don't scare me. What happened? Tell me!"

She was genuinely worried about Qinghuan who was more in a negative space than she ever had seen her.

After all, Song Qinghuan was always smiling, optimistic no matter what happened.

Song Qinghuan forced a weak smile that seemed not quite a smile and more like crying, and looked at Mei Jun: "I am just upset, nothing much."

"What happened? Why are you upset? Share with me." Mei Jun asked, her eyes darkening, "Does it have to do with your husband?"

Song Qinghuan thought for a bit and then shook her head, "It's my brother, they said my brother is dead. They asked me to identify the body!"

Mei Jun's eyes widened, and she covered her mouth in shock, too stunned to say anything.