402, Bullying, will not be tolerated

"Huanhuan, Huanhuan, Erhuan..." Mei Jun called out softly a few times, seeing that Song Qinghuan gave no response, she got up and quietly slipped out of the room.

She moved as lightly as a thief, closing the door behind her. She looked down at her toes and turned around. She didn't notice there was someone behind her and almost bumped into them.

Lifting her eyes, she saw a handsome face, topped with slightly messy long black hair, which gave him a rebellious look.

He smiled and asked Mei Jun, "How did it go? Is it done?"

Mei Jun lifted her finger to her lips and whispered, "Mr. Li, it's done, but keep your voice down, lest you wake her up."

Li Qianze, whom she addressed as Mr. Li, had a smirk on his face as if asking for a beating, "Don't worry, the drug is so potent, she won't wake up even if there's a thunderstorm."