406, Find Shi Yuhuan, Theoretical

Li Qianze hesitated for a moment, but remained silent.

Song Qinghuan's face sank completely, her eyes sharp and intimidating, "Li Qianze, your silence doesn't mean I won't find out where he is. But remember this, don't acknowledge me or speak to me ever again. We're done."

"Top floor VIP suite," blurted out Li Qianze, his eyebrows furrowed.

Song Qinghuan immediately stood up and left without a moment's hesitation.

LiQianze turned to look at the departing figure of Song Qinghuan, his eyes dimmed slightly before he let out a sigh.

When he brought his gaze back, he was startled to see that someone was silently sat where Song Qinghuan had been.

It was Mei Jun.

Li Qianze was a little surprised, glaring at her, "When did you get here? Why didn't you show yourself before?"

Mei Jun glanced at the direction where Song Qinghuan had left before cautiously saying, "I've been here for a while. How could I dare to appear when Huanhuan was interrogating you!"