414, endure for Mei Jun.

But if Shi Yuhuan would let him stay in A City, without making any changes, this would mean that Shi Yuhuan really has no feelings for Song Qinghuan, and he would give up everything, just to keep her within his grasp.

However, reality proved that Shi Yuhuan truly loved Song Qinghuan, no matter how heartless his words to her were. If they were in love, and he could only journey home alone.

From that day on, Li Qianze never contacted Song Qinghuan again, and that included Mei Jun.

The filming crew for Mei Jun's novel commenced work again. Regardless of how unwilling Song Qinghuan might be, Mei Jun would still drag her to the set.

Song Qinghuan had no choice but to follow her over, find a place to sit down, and then pass time by playing games out of extreme boredom.

Xiaoxiao and Zheng Chunlan never expected that they could still see Song Qinghuan upon the resumption of filming.

Their faces turned sour instantly, as if they had just swallowed a foul mouthful.