421, Shi Yuhan, ice turns into water

Shi Yuhuan seemed to suddenly feel great, reaching a hand towards her: "Give me your phone, I want to see!"

Song Qinghuan sat uncomfortably on pins and needles, ignoring Shi Yuhuan, and did not hand over her phone but instead forcefully slapped the back of the seat in front of her: "Chen Tian, stop the car, I want to sit in the front."

Chen Tian kept his eyes on the road and ignored her as if he hadn't heard anything.

He always seemed to keep his composure, as if he hadn't heard the discordant conversation going on in the back seat.

But in fact, he was so close to bursting into laughter. He was surprised to see the boss displaying such a nefarious and rogue side. It appeared to him that a piece of ice was on the verge of thawing.

To his surprise, it appeared that the boss would be the first to melt.

Shi Yuhuan's voice turned cold again: "Why should you sit in the front? I was the one who was dealt with frivolously, so if anyone should move, it should be me."