423, the meaning it represents

Song Qinghuan's back was tightly pressed against the wall of the carriage, trapped and motionless under Shi Yuhuan's domineering presence.

Forced to tilt her head back, she endured his passionate kisses, feeling as if her soul was being sucked away.

Shi Yuhuan's hand slid down her waist, reaching her chest and taking possession of her small but full figure, then fondling it.

Song Qinghuan was on the verge of sobbing, her small hands clutching at his suit, pulling hard, making whimpering sounds from her mouth.

Shi Yuhuan finally sensed her body's tension and trembling. He gradually slowed down his kiss, made it gentler, before reluctantly pulling away.

Song Qinghuan was gasping for breath, her eyes reddish, glaring at Shi Yuhuan with a blush of mortification and anger.

She bit her lip in deep resentment, really wishing she could throw something at Shi Yuhuan, at that handsome face that made her grind her teeth in frustration.

However, there was nothing to throw in the car.