426, now we need to get it back

"Song Qinghuan, you touched me in the car. Now, it's my turn!" He whispered in a deep voice, laden with potent desire.

Song Qinghuan bit her lip in embarrassment. She tried to retort but was left speechless: "..."

At that point, Shi Yuhuan penetrated her with a sudden motion of his long finger.

"Ah~~" Song Qinghuan moaned subconsciously, her dark eyes filled with smoldering anger, looking at him with a hint of confusion. "You pervert, I don't want you!"

Shi Yuhuan asked wickedly, "Then who do you want?"

"Anyone but you!" Before her words fully left her mouth, Shi Yuhuan leaned onto her, taking a forceful bite at her collarbone.

"Ouch…" Song Qinghuan cried out in surprise, asking angrily, "What are you doing?"

Shi Yuhuan's voice, husky and low, gradually echoed: "I want you!"