434, Finding it hard to control oneself in love.

She had repeatedly asked why he was treating her with such tenderness again, when he had claimed to be weary of her. Yet, he never answered.

Well, she wouldn't ask anymore. Asking repeatedly still wouldn't give her an answer. If Shi Yuhuan didn't want to talk, even if you asked him a thousand, ten thousand times, he still wouldn't speak.

About him and Si Chen, although he hadn't given any explanations or tried to justify himself to her, it seemed as if he had made his intentions clear.

In a way, this could be seen as a form of explanation, too.

Song Qinghuan felt she was bewitched, still unable to control herself in front of Shi Yuhuan's tenderness.

A single sentence from him, or just one look, could alter her thoughts.

Just as now, he didn't say much, but his few softly-spoken words were still able to alleviate her days of irritation and sadness, bringing her comfort and contentment. She then leaned against him quietly to rest.