439, let me go with you.

But Song Qinghuan misunderstood, thinking that the divorce would happen soon and therefore she wouldn't need to use those things anymore.

She felt like crying again, but she foolishly smiled, and murmured, "Shi Yuhuan, do you know, I feel very inferior in front of you. Because you are too outstanding and I am just so mediocre, so for some things, I already know, I will not make any demands, I just hope that when the time comes, you can let me leave without feeling too humiliated."

Such humble tone and words tightened Shi Yuhuan's eyebrows.

He held her tighter, his chin rested on her hair, and his large palm gently stroked her slender back, "Stop overthinking, when looking at things, don't just see the surface. Song Qinghuan, look with your heart, don't believe in any superficial stuff, understand?"

"I'm not overthinking, you're just too indifferent." Song Qinghuan tilted her head slightly, looking at him with eyes that seemed to be laughing yet filled with tears.