441, what do you want to know through me?

Si Chen's eyes widened in alarm, quickly turning his gaze to him, "You..."

A hint of a subtle yet complex smile emerged at the corner of Shi Mu's lips. His handsome eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and the long eyelashes cast a faint shadow on his face, tinting it with melancholy.

The flow of air seemed to slow suddenly.

Si Chen dropped his gaze and softly said to Shi Mu, "So, you never really trusted me. You thought I hadn't given up yet."

Shi Mu smirked, "When have you ever done something that made me trust you? Or rather, you've never moved forward, staying in the same place. So, what talk is there about not giving up? That's why you dared not tell anyone about our relationship. You're not afraid of the people's judging eyes, but you're afraid of Shi Yuhuan's gaze. You thought he didn't know anything, but he knew about our relationship long ago."

A wave of intense pain swept over him after he finished speaking, his chest hurting unbearably.