447, Shi Yuhan, the deeply buried anger erupts.

Xia Yang immediately stepped forward, stomping on the gunshot wound on Shi Mu's leg.

Instantly, Shi Mu let out a pained cry: "Ah!!"

"You're wailing at this bit of pain, and yet you're trying to play tough, out with it!" Xia Yang pulls roughly and says in a cold, sarcastic voice.

Everyone watched in horror, not noticing Song Qinghuan's trembling body. She wanted to look up to see what was happening, but was closely embraced by Shi Yuhuan - unable to move at all.

Shi Yuhuan's entire body radiated an ancient icy chill and commands frostily, "Continue!"

Drenched in cold sweat, Shi Mu gasped heavily as he laid on the ground, fresh blood flowing from his foot.

Xia Yang once again pulled out a gun, aiming it at Shi Mu.

"No!!" Si Chen and Yan Pingdan nearly went insane with anxiety from the sidelines as they were held back by iron chains, unable to step forward.

"Tell them what they want to know, or you are really out of luck!"