458, Admire, envy Zishi

After her brief meet-up with Yan Pingdan, Song Qinghuan returned to the villa. She sat quietly in front of the dining table, stealing glances at Shi Yuhuan across from her.

Even with her mind in a whirl, she tried to keep her composure, picking at her food.

This man, so elegant and composed no matter the situation. He was the first man, other than her family, to show her gentleness and concern, and also the first man she ever fell in love with. Hence, being with him put her at ease and made her feel happy.

She reckoned that if she lost him, she may never get to experience love again in this lifetime.

Yet, all he's been to her was cruel.

It was hard for her to fathom how he could treat her with care while scheming all along to throw her into danger.

Looking back, the thought was terrifying.

"Song Qinghuan!" Shi Yuhuan lifted his gaze to her, lightly calling her name.

Song Qinghuan was taken aback, then raised her eyes to look at him: "Wha... What's up?"