462, you worry so much about getting hurt.

However, in less than two minutes, Shi Yuhuan was no longer in control, rubbing his head in Qinghuan's neck. Song Qinghuan was ticklish and tried to move backwards, but there was nowhere left to retreat.

At this moment, Shi Yuhuan's hand had reached her chest, clutching her small fullness.

Her whole body felt as if electrified, tingling and numb, Song Qinghuan was both embarrassed and flustered, suddenly pushing Shi Yuhuan away.

The effort she exerted wasn't small, and she was slightly ticked off, using all her strength.

Yuhuan had no idea what was coming for him, he had even started moving towards the sofa,

but unfortunately, as Shi Yuhuan fell, his arm swung back, and with a crisp sound, he knocked a glass cup on the coffee table to the ground, breaking it.

When Shi Yuhuan rolled off, his arm that landed first was just unlucky enough to fall right on the broken glass.