469, the name is too funny

Aside from Yu Yang and Bai Rubing, there was no one else in the office she was familiar with. She'd carefully analyzed the two of them a time or two, but neither seemed to be the likely scenario.

But, she couldn't entirely rule them out either.

She didn't want to accuse innocent people recklessly, so she wouldn't take any stance until she'd thoroughly investigated.

However, she found it hard to be as comfortable around them as she used to be.

Both of them were overly enthusiastic in her presence. From them, she learned that Shi Mu had resigned and a new assistant named Bi Yuntao had joined the team these past couple of days.

When they mentioned Bi Yuntao, they both burst into laughter, especially Yu Yang, who seemed to lose herself completely, laughing so hard that she was pounding on the desk.

Song Qinghuan previously thought of herself as someone with a great sense of humor.

But it took her a bit to understand the humor in Bi Yuntao's name.