472, Qinghuan seems to be somewhat afraid of Time.

Bai Rubing lightly chided, "Huanhuan, you can't be so disloyal, I didn't want to go originally, but when I saw that you were going, I didn't want you to be bored on your own, so I decided to accompany you."

Tears are streaming down my face! Song Qinghuan was speechless, when did she agree to go? Wasn't she always making excuses to avoid it?

Why was it now that she wanted to go, and Bai Rubing was the one accompanying her?

"Let's go!" Song Qinghuan felt like a pressured duck being forced to climb up a shelf.

And then she had to get into Shi Yuhuan's car.

Why is it Shi Yuhuan's car, and not Bi Yuntao's car, or any other high-level manager's car?

Just because Bi Yuntao's car suddenly broke down and wouldn't start, and all the other high-level managers had already left, leaving only Shi Yuhuan's car in the parking lot.

Chen Tian wasn't here today, so Shi Yuhuan was driving himself, Bi Yuntao opened the passenger seat, letting Song Qinghuan sit in the front.