474, Suspicion, Bai Rubing

Shi Yuhuan glanced at her indifferently, with a hint of cold aloofness and a touch of playful arrogance, "So, among all the humans in this world. Only you need to use the toilet, huh?"

"I don't care about you. I don't know you anyway," Song Qinghuan gave him a cold glance and, without any hesitation, moved to pass by him.

But she was grabbed by Shi Yuhuan by the arm.

Song Qinghuan turned to glare at him, "What do you think you're doing?"

"How does it feel to be served by someone?" Shi Yuhuan asked with a strange tone, seemingly laced with bitterness.

As soon as Song Qinghuan heard this, she understood what he was implying. Facing his gaze, she snappily retorted at him, "What, are you, CEO Shi, being jealous?"

"CEO Shi??" Shi Yuhuan savored her form of address, his gaze narrowing dangerously, "Song Qinghuan, dare you call me that again?"