476, Cinema, Enchanting Night

Song Qinghuan quickly waved his hands, "No need, no need. I'll just take a taxi home,"

Realizing his car was out of service, he hadn't brought it along, Bi Yuntao gave a gentle smile, "Alright, be careful on the road!"

Song Qinghuan returned the smile, bid farewell to everyone, and swiftly left.

As soon as she reached the curb of the restaurant, Shi Yuhuan's car pulled up in front of her. Seeing no one had followed her, she quickly jumped in.

Shi Yuhuan drove the car forward at a leisurely pace.

Song Qinghuan thought the two of them would, as usual, remain silent, but to her surprise, Shi Yuhuan spoke up, even asking her, "Did you eat enough?"

Being a big eater, she could consume heaps of food in a day, and the little duck liver she had just now didn't even fill the gaps between her teeth. Of course she hadn't had enough.

However, she wasn't about to admit that, and she simply replied with a twist of her lips, "I'm fine."