She made his bones go soft.

Once she asked, she regretted it. Even asking why, when they were already due for a divorce!

But today, she felt maybe it wasn't necessary. She could feel that he was treating her somewhat differently.

At least, he did not dislike her.

If he didn't dislike her, he didn't have anyone else to marry, and he even said that if she wished, she could remain Yihan's wife forever. Then why would he choose to discuss divorce with her at this time?

Yihan lowered his eyes, hiding his real emotions, he said seriously, "I'm sorry, I can't give you a reason."

As soon as he finished, the room suddenly fell silent, so quiet that each breath was countable.

Yihan did not make a sound, and neither did Song Qinghuan. They both sat quietly, their chopsticks laid down.

After a while, Song Qinghuan lifted her eyes to look at Yihan and spoke softly, "You once said... if I was willing, I could be your wife forever, didn't you?"

Yihan also raised his eyes, looked at her, complex eyes, "Yes!"