489, Huanhuan, his...

She was also ready to take a shower, but when she reached the bathroom, she was distressed that she hadn't brought any change of clothes. Just then, the bathroom door opened, and a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around her from behind.

Song Qinghuan was startled and instinctively struggled, but she was only held tighter.

Shi Yuhuan pressed up against her from behind, bending down to whisper huskily into her ear, "Song Qinghuan, just how much do you love children."

At these words, Song Qinghuan's heart inexplicably fell. She coldly responded, "Shi Yuhuan, what does it matter to you whether I like children or not? After all, I'm not going to have a child with you..."

"Shh," the warm breath of Shi Yuhuan sprayed on her ear as he whispered, "Keep it down, don't wake the baby."

"Oh...aren't you, the great Boss Shi, supposed to hate children? Don't you not want children? When did you start caring so much about the baby," Song Qinghuan replied mockingly.