522, she wants to stay calm, wants to pretend she doesn't care

Upon seeing Shi Yuhuan and Song Qinghuan on the stairs, a sense of forboding washed over Chen Tian. He sensed that he may not get a vacation in the next few months, or even years.

When Shi Yuhuan picked up Song Qinghuan and walked towards him, Chen Tian immediately saluted respectfully, saying "Boss!"

Shi Yuhuan didn't even glance at him, and proceeded to leave while carrying Song Qinghuan.

On the way back, Song Qinghuan remained silent, no longer interrogating as she did before.

At the same time, Shi Yuhuan was unsure about how to explain to Song Qinghuan everything she had witnessed.

His world was beyond her comprehension. Explanations would be futile, especially since everything had already happened. Any explanation would be superfluous.

Suddenly, Song Qinghuan tightly grasped at her own shirt at her chest, retching violently.